because of the elections on suday all the churches where being used as voting poles.
there was one church that stayed open and so everyone in the stake went to this one building. we had 140 people in church. there is normaly about 250 in the stake that go everyweek.
but it was great because this was only the 140 people that actually understood the gospel and the importance of the sacrament. it was sad that from our ward we only had 3 people. one of which was our ward mission leader. he has a great testimony after he came back to the church last year. he hasnt missed since.
and the other 2 is brother cappi and his wife. he was a mission pressident. stake president a 70. he is super awesome. and he spoke as well. his talk was a wake up call to the member to not sleep through the restoration. you got to do your part in all things and not just go to church to go but go to have a spiritual experience.
it was awesome to be in this sacrament meeting with the people that truly understand the sacrament and the meening of it.
also this week me and my comp Elder Naea basically ripped through the area book and got out every last person that was in the book that people had visited before and we are going to visit them. my area hasnt had anything in it for a very long time. so i think it is good to have my comp because we both love to work and he just opened an area the change before so he know in what dirrection to go in. my last two comps had one of those two charecteristics. the want to work or the knowelñedge in how to teach. but we got them both now so it should be great.
the family that i tuaght and we sent to the other ward two weeks ago. well the girl is getting baptized this wenseday which is awesome. im glad that that family could keep working hard and doing what they need to do.
as it starts to heat up here that means back to the sweat rag (hankerchief) all the time.
the voting here is obglitorio and that is something different then in the states. i think it is a good thing because in the states it is sad to see that about no one votes.
we also have a nother fireside coming up and for christmas we are going to sing in tres cruses. it is a huge mall and it is the main buss stop for all of uruguay. so there is a ton of people so it should be fun.
anson i see that you are tearing it up and having a blast. dont knock out to many people. but when you do it you better do it hard that was an awesome hit.
Love you all
Elder Pulsipher
Con Amor,
Elder Pulsipher
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